Johannes Krah
I was a Ph.D. student at Bielefeld University under the supervision of Charles Vial.
I am interested in algebraic geometry, in particular derived categories of coherent sheaves.
Publications and Preprints
MathSciNet, zbMATH, arXiv, Google Scholar, ORCID.
- Autoequivalences of Blow-Ups of Minimal Surfaces
with Xianyu Hu
Bull. London Math. Soc. 56, 3257–3267 (2024) (pdf, arXiv, journal)
- On Proper Splinters in Positive Characteristic
with Charles Vial
Preprint (pdf, arXiv)
- A Phantom on a Rational Surface
Invent. math. 235, 1009–1018 (2024) (pdf, arXiv, journal)
- Mutations of Numerically Exceptional Collections on Surfaces
Math. Z. 307, 78 (2024) (pdf, arXiv, journal)
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces (Ph.D. Thesis)
Bielefelder E-Dissertation (2024) (pdf, PUB)
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces (Extended Abstract)
Oberwolfach Workshop Report No. 44/2024 (2024) (OWR)
March 2025, Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar, New York (US)
- On Proper Splinters in Positive Characteristic
November 2024, Workshop: Modern Methods in Moduli, Luxembourg (LU)
- On Proper Splinters in Positive Characteristic
November 2024, Groups, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Lausanne (CH)
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces
September 2024, MFO, Oberwolfach
- On Proper Splinters in Positive Characteristic
May 2024, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Zurich (CH)
- Derived Categories of Blow-Ups of the Projective Plane
May 2024, Algebraic Geometry Days, Glasgow (UK)
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces
February 2024, North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Oldenburg
- Derived Categories of Blow-Ups of the Projective Plane
December 2023, Oberseminar Algebra und Algebraische Geometrie, Paderborn
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces
November 2023, Derived Workshop, Bonn
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces
September 2023, Workshop: Geometry of HyperKähler Varieties, Hangzhou (CN) (recording)
- Phantoms and Exceptional Collections on Rational Surfaces
July 2023, Conference: GAeL XXX, Warwick (UK)